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February, 2005
February 28, 2005
Emergency surgery for Boots
We had a scare last night. Boots, who
had been a bit listless when we returned home, started bleeding and we took her
to the 24-hr vet hospital. She had an infected uterus and needed emergency
surgery. The doctor called when the surgery was done and she's just fine
and very healthy otherwise. She'll come home this afternoon. Thank
goodness it was something that could be treated. We had decided to take
her to the vet this week because I didn't like the way she looked but this
couldn't wait.
So, I'm a little tired but happy it wasn't worse.
a happy day
February 27, 2005
Back Home, Safe and Sound
Greetings! We arrived home yesterday afternoon and I immediately got back into my usual routine, unpacking and doing laundry. Today, we did lots of cleaning. It's looking ok, unpacking done and laundry clean and put away. Wow, how quickly vacation disappears. =-( Ah well. At any rate, until I can finish up that trip diary, I've posted most of the pictures (the best ones) on yahoo. You can see them here: Disney vacation 2005
Snow seems to be in the forecast for tomorrow but if we're lucky, it will change to rain early on.
Enjoy the Academy Award broadcast tonight...
February 24, 2005
Heading back to snowy NY starting tomorrow...
I'll finish up that trip diary as time permits. We haven't had much free time! We've done so much this week, we're winding down. We've been to Animal Kingdom, Epcot, MGM and Magic Kingdom, the Hoop De Doo Revue (which was fun, great food!), Downtown Disney and Winter Summerland Mini Golf. Dad had a video golf lesson and Kel and I were pampered at the spa (manicure, pedicure, facial). We had planned on Universal but after four parks, decided a leisurely morning at the mini golf would be better. It was cute. We're off for dinner soon and then to Cirque de Soleil. Then we leave tomorrow morning for the trip home. I have tons of beautiful pictures.
As Percy would say, "More to come, more to come. I said brief, not infinitesimal".
Ta-ta! (as Tigger would say!)
February 19-20, 2005
Winter Break Vacation
Greetings and Salutations! Bill, Kelly and I are in the car, driving through South Carolina (Kelly's driving, specifically). We left home this morning at 5:30 and it's now 6:20. Our goal today is to stop in Georgia and our destination tomorrow afternoon is Orlando, Florida, Walt Disney World! We'll be staying in the Coronado Springs Resort again. The interesting thing is that the temperature in NY this morning was sixteen and by the time we were in Virginia this afternoon, it was 64. A little weird, that's for sure, but welcome. It was freezing when we left. I'll be starting another trip diary, joined with Kelly's unique contribution (or in her words, "my wise-ass humor"). If you're at all familiar with her trip diaries from our Pimpernel-related road trips, you might be interested.
To be continued..... See February 05 Disney vacation. Ta-ta!
February 17, 2005
Happy Birthday, Billy!
Billy is 23 today. He also started his new job today and when he comes here after work, we'll go out to dinner. Soon, I hope because I'm hungry!
Vacation next week. I can't wait. I love winter break. Easter and Passover are so far apart this year that we don't have a week off. Instead we have a couple of long weekends. Rats.
February 14, 2005
Valentine's Day!
I hope you're all having a very happy St. Valentine's Day. It's rainy and dreary but at least not very cold. My gifts were traditional, roses and candy. Aww.
I finished In Time of War. Wow! Towards the end, I couldn't
put it down and had to finish it. It's left wide open for another story
but, alas. I discover that there isn't enough interest for another
publication. I'm sorry to hear that. I'd love to read another of
these stories. Maybe if those of us who read these books could encourage
interest, we'd see another book. If I could get, let's see, all six of you
to read them.....well, maybe we'd need a few more people! Seriously,
though, it is disappointing. This last one, especially, but all of these
stories, are just the kind of thing I like to read. When I looked into the
sequels and discovered the newest one was a Civil War story, I thought, yeah,
I'm there! It's sad they're not popular with more people. I think
they're terrific stories.
Next week is winter break. I love vacation!
Hope everyone had a happy day,
February 9, 2005
reading In Time of War for a few days, I'm beginning to think of the
third book, recently finished (Till The End of Time) very much like The
Empire Strikes Back of the Star Wars movies. Watching that movie was such
a downer and waiting until the third movie wrapped it up on a high note was a
bit of a downer. The third book, while really well-written and
attention-grabbing, was sad and down at the end. The first few chapters of
the new book are considerably more uplifting, even though the characters are,
once again, in danger in the past. I wonder if there will be any more
stories of Alex and Molly. By the way, I can recommend these books if
you're into the historical fiction/adventure genre, particularly with the time
travel twist.
It's Ash Wednesday. Pizza for dinner tonight because I didn't plan for it! Ah well, the stuffed peppers will just have to wait for tomorrow night.
as Tigger would say!
February 7, 2005
Odds and Ends
Here's a picture of the scene outside after the snowstorm we had last month. It looks a little strange because it was taken from inside the house, through the screen of the window. It's a pretty cool picture, though. I really didn't want to go outside in the cold!
There's only a little bit of the snow left. It really took a long time to melt. This next one is a picture of the new tile floor in the bathroom.
Hard to believe that took two days to do,
isn't it? Actually, I thought it would take longer than that. Just
ripping up the old tile floor down to the wood seemed like a huge undertaking to
me. Yes, it was a job best left to professionals.
started a Pooh page, probably something this site should have had from the very
beginning. It's only a start but I will try to add more when I have time.
I'm starting off with links to sites that I think capture Pooh and friends well.
As I work on it, I'm sure other ideas will present themselves. The page is
found here.
finished the third of four books about time travel by Allen Appel that I've been
reading. This one's called Till the End of Time and
takes place during the second World War. It was really disturbing.
I'm glad I had the next book ready to start as I finished this one because the
ending of the third one was a real downer. I've been anticipating reading
the fourth book since it takes place in the Civil War era but I had to finish
all three of the preceding books since the stories follow each other. It
was really good, though, very absorbing. It's just that the story itself
was a bit disturbing at times. I've just started the fourth book, In
Time of War. This one is new. The others are actually out of
print and I had to order them online from used bookstores. God bless the
Lastly, a couple of muffin recipes, both very good:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease muffin pan and mix the following in a large bowl:
2 cups flour
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
½ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg OR ¾ teaspoon ground nutmeg
¼ teaspoon salt
Break 2 large eggs into another bowl. Whisk in 1 cup milk and ¼ cup (1/2 stick) melted butter. Pour the wet mixture over the dry mixture and fold until moistened. Scoop batter into muffin cups and bake 15 to 20 minutes or until lightly browned and springy to the touch. Cool on wire rack and serve hot or warm. Leftovers taste better if they’re warmed in the microwave. Yield – 12 muffins
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease muffin cups.
Grated peel of one orange
about 1 cup chopped pecans
½ cup (1 stick) of butter, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups flour
1 cup buttermilk or vanilla yogurt
Cream butter and sugar until pale and creamy. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Add baking soda and orange peel. Fold in half of the flour and half of buttermilk or yogurt. Repeat, using the rest of the flour and buttermilk or yogurt. Add pecans and stir. Fill muffin cups with batter and bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until they are browned and springy to the touch. Remove from oven and cool. When muffins are cool, brush with orange juice and sprinkle granulated sugar on top. Yield - 12 muffins
These recipes are from Ste, as the pumpkin muffin was. I also added a recipe I've used on Thanksgiving to the recipe page, Southern Peach Yam Bake. Enjoy!
February 5, 2005
The short month of February is upon us. Thank goodness, it's not as cold as it has been. The forecast is for temperatures around 45 degrees today, which will hopefully melt the mess we still have outside. Since the heavy snowfall, we've basically been walking along the shoveled paths. I had to shovel a path to the clothesline, as a matter of fact. It has melted a little the last few days but I hope today will really make a difference.
Billy's on a trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras with his roommates. I'm a little apprehensive about that. I hear it gets pretty wild down there. They're staying with friends who are in the military, though. I hope that's a good sign. Billy got the job at Cablevision. He starts after he gets back.
Have a good day, all. "We're having a heat wave!!"