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December, 2003
December 31, 2003
New Year!
As we say goodbye to 2003 and welcome 2004, I just wanted to say Happy New Year. Let's hope and pray that we find peace in 2004. It's a scary world out there.
shows us he has the same New Year resolution most of us have, get more exercise
and lose weight! Good luck to those of us working towards our goals.
Be safe tonight, everybody.
December 30, 2003
Monkee birthdays
From those were the days.com:
- Michael Nesmith
guitarist: group: The Monkees; wrote: Different Drum; formed: The First
National Band: Joanne; movie producer: Repo Man, Elephant Parts:
the first Grammy-winning video
- Davy Jones (David Thomas Jones)
singer: group: The Monkees: Last Train to Clarksville, I’m a Believer,
Daydream Believer; actor: UK version: Godspell
Happy birthday!
December 29, 2003
night, I finished reading Deafening, a novel by Frances Itani. I
was drawn to this book in the store by the title, obviously, and by the
illustration of a woman signing "love" on the cover. It's a gentle,
fascinating story about a young girl who lost her hearing as a child due to a
fever. She grows up attending a residential school for the deaf near her
home town in Canada, marries a hearing man and waits for him for three years as
he survives World War I. It was based on the author's grandmother.
Good story. I've started another Civil War story, based on the author's
great-grandfather! I've only gotten a few pages into it but I hate to be
without a book in progress.
December 27, 2003
Christmas and Lord of the Rings
We had a nice quiet Christmas day, just the
Honigs. I caught a cold from working with the kids at the theatre.
They were all sick and I figured it was inevitable. I've managed to avoid
colds for quite a while now. I can't remember the last time I was sick.
I'm feeling better today, although I'm still a bit congested.
I got a really cool gift, an mp3 player. I'm still working on learning how to use it. This is a whole new technology for me. It's nice, has a great sound. I've already got over 160 songs on it. Now that I've learned how to do that, I'll spend some of this "vacation" time (when I'm not working at wrestling practice) getting some of my favorites uploaded (I guess that's the term you use!).
I saw The Lord of The Rings: Return of the
King today. Wow, what a wild ride! There was so much action, I
didn't even notice how looonnngg this movie is! It was great. And,
although I just love looking at Legolas, my favorite character is...
Sam. Definitely, Sam. I don't think
you'll find a more loyal, dependable straight-forward character in literature.
Without Sam, Frodo never would have succeeded. He's the only character
that makes me cry. Now that I've seen all three movies, maybe I'll give
the books another try. I couldn't get into them when I tried reading them
These are great stories and this one surely kept me on the edge of my seat, especially since I don't know the books.
December 24, 2003
Santa Claus is coming to town...
And here is the promised picture of this year's tree, complete with the new tree skirt from Disney store. It's a holiday Winnie the Pooh skirt (of course), personalized with "The Honig Family". I didn't expect it before Christmas. I thought it would be delivered in the new year, which would have been ok. I could have saved it for next year, but I was so happy to have it just before Christmas.
I did a little different arrangement of chairs and tables this year and I like this better. We have a bit more floor space this way.
Online shopping was quite successful this year. I only went to the stores for a few things and when I was there, I congratulated myself on avoiding most of the mall/shopping center experience. It was fun seeing a new package in the mail every day. I was also able to wrap everything as it arrived, saving time tonight. And, because you have to start earlier to allow for shipping, I was done so much earlier than usual.
Having everything done so early allowed me to help Kelly at work with the youth production of The Sound of Music the last couple of days. It was rather chaotic to say the least. Now that it's over, she's off today and tomorrow and we can relax and enjoy the holiday.
I hope everyone has a very special and relaxing holiday season.
December 19, 2003
School vacation begins
tree is decorated and I'll take a picture when I can clean up the room enough!
It's a nice tree, we were able to get to the fire dept. early enough to get a
narrow tree, my idea of the holy grail. School is out for two weeks,
although I will be working at wrestling practice and a tournament during the
vacation. It has its good and bad points, of course. Without these
hours, I wouldn't get paid at all for these two weeks. Still, two weeks
with no work is a nice break. You have to take the good with the bad.
I'm off tomorrow, though. Jim, Shari and Steven are going to Florida for
Christmas week so we'll be getting together this weekend for lunch/dinner
(whichever works into the schedule) and to see The Sound of Music at Smithtown.
By the way, Sue and I interpreted The Sound of Music Sunday evening, December
14. This time, we had no one there to see us at all! I'm assuming
the bad weather was the culprit. It's too bad because we were awesome.
SOM is much easier than Amadeus and we had a blast interpreting it. Good
practice for when people actually do come to see us. That's the only way
we can think of it.
I have all kinds of little chores I could be doing and I'm losing steam, getting tired. We'll see how far I get. Ah, well.
Happy Hannukah to all who celebrate!
December 15, 2003
The cinema spectacular, Gone With the Wind, premiered at Loew’s Grand Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia on this day in 1939. It was the first movie premiere ceremony to be televised. The governor of Georgia proclaimed the day a state holiday in commemoration of the event and the holiday celebrations continued for three days.
Also on this day in 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified in Virginia and in 1966, Walt Disney died. He left us two of the "happiest places on earth". Above information is courtesy of Those Were The Days.
It's the holiday season, which means busy! Shopping is almost done and I think I'm pretty much on schedule. The recent snow makes us feel like Christmas is here already.
til next time...
December 7, 2003
Here we go again!
Looks like last February, doesn't it? This picture was taken this morning. Check out the overhanging snow. It almost meets the snow piled on the bushes.
Here's a close-up of said overhanging snow:
Not a very good start to the winter, I think. Actually, as I've pointed out before, it's not winter until December 21!
As we contemplate our present snowy condition, let us not forget that this is Pearl Harbor day and say a prayer for those in the military still in danger in our crazy world.
December 6, 2003
Enough Already!!!
we get it. It's December. I can't believe this blizzard. It
hasn't stopped yet but it's difficult to see if it's really snowing because the
wind is blowing the existing snow all over the place. Wrestling was
cancelled yesterday afternoon and this morning. However, I still had to
stay until 4:30pm waiting for the student's Dad to pick him up. It took me
an hour to travel a usual 25 minute drive and once I got home, I went out to go
food shopping. We had nothing in the house, the cupboard was bare.
Driving by that time wasn't so bad. It was actually worse when I went to
work in the afternoon, when there was a thin covering of snow over ice.
Now, that was bad! I didn't have much trouble at the food store, except
that I had a heck of a time dragging the cart through the snow in the parking
lot. The wheels just don't turn! And chivalry is officially dead.
No one helped me, although there were people around. It was a struggle but
I made it. Today, instead of vegetating, I cleaned the bathroom, baked
cookies and made meat sauce and pasta for dinner. P.S. My crazy son
went to the Islander game. Sigh.
Stay warm and dry!
December 2, 2003
Happy December! And just to remind us that it is, in fact, December, we had some snow showers today. It looked really pretty, especially since nothing stuck to the ground and it all dried up after it stopped. Yeah, it was pretty today. Just wait until February! Let's see how enthusiastic we all are then!
It's 26 degrees right now. I know it's December but it's still fall, at least until December 21. I vote for warmer weather. Mother nature may not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in this journal, however.
Stay warm!