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November, 2003
November 29, 2003
League Day at The Thing About Men
Several league members had a pleasant afternoon at The Thing About Men today thanks to the cast and company manager. We were able to get front row seats at the student price of $26.25 and stay for a talkback with Ron Bohmer, Marc Kudisch and Danny Gurwin. It was a small but enthusiastic group of us! We bought the tickets when the box office opened at noon and then went around the corner to Westside Brewing Company and had a great lunch. Wouldn't you know, I actually forgot to bring my camera today. This was a bad thing since Ron suggested after the talkback that we take a picture of the entire group together. If I'd brought my camera, I'd be posting it right now! As it is, I'll have to depend on someone to email a picture. I finally met Annette from Kansas and it took awhile before I actually made the connection, believe it or not. She introduced herself as Annette, mentioned Kansas and I still didn't get it until lunch, when I finally said, "Oh, you're Annette from Kansas!" Duh! Anyway, Annette took pictures of all of us in the restaurant and several people had cameras for the company manager to take the group picture, featuring Ron and Danny. The company manager (sorry, I can't remember his name) said that if someone emails the picture to him, he'll post it on the official site. We thanked him for his generosity and he said that when they see an enthusiastic group, they like to encourage that and this idea of providing a special discount and talkback for league members was brought up at a meeting. It was a terrific afternoon, reminiscent of league events in the past. Thanks to Suz for handling the arrangements, including lunch reservation, and to Ron, Marc, Danny and the company manager (who shall remain nameless, I guess!) for a very enjoyable time.
November 27, 2003
Happy Thanksgiving!
That's all I have time for now, the kitchen calls! Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
November 25, 2003
The History of Thanksgiving
Here are some tidbits from The History Channel about the first Thanksgiving. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 and was most likely a traditional harvest feast. What foods were served? Historians know that venison and "wild fowl", probably turkey, were served but many of our traditional trimmings were not. Vegetables may have included pumpkins, peas, onions, beans, lettuce, radishes and carrots. Plums and grapes and nuts, such as walnuts, chestnuts and acorns, would have been available as well. Now, I don't know about you but I'm not interested in trying acorns. I'll leave them to the squirrels.
Sweet potatoes and potatoes were not common at the time and corn was dried out at that time of year so you wouldn't see them on the pilgrim's table. And you can forget about all our desserts. The pilgrims wouldn't have had the sugar for all those sweet dishes.
Here's something else I found interesting:
So, there's your history lesson for the day. Unlike the pilgrims, I'll be baking pies tomorrow morning before work. Let's face it, we do enjoy our desserts!
November 23, 2003
Mr. Turkey. We're defrosting you starting tomorrow! Doesn't look
happy, does he?
Well, it looks like I'm back in business with the site here. I needed a little Billy Honig tech support to figure it all out but it's ok now.
Back to after-school sports tomorrow when wrestling begins. I hope the bus arrives on time because I don't have time to sit around and wait, not this week!
November 22, 2003
New computer!
Six hours later, I'm making the first journal entry on the brand new computer, my birthday/Christmas gift. It's beautiful, a hp pavilion 4560 notebook. I knew that once I got my hands on this new toy, nothing else would get done for the rest of the day. I was right. I've been playing with it and installing programs and setting it up for six hours! I've moved the site here and, hopefully, everything will work correctly. Actually, this is kind of a test. I hope it publishes alright.
Stay tuned!
November 19, 2003
Thanksgiving a week away
Here's a quote from Benjamin Franklin on the choice of the bald eagle as the symbol of The United States:
I'll bet this guy would agree with Mr. Franklin and wonders why we're eating turkey for Thanksgiving if Franklin thought so highly of the bird!:
but I am looking forward to my turkey dinner!
November 18, 2003
Today in Civil War History
From history channel.com:
The Gettysburg Address was delivered on November 19, 1863. Here is the only known photograph of Lincoln at Gettysburg on that day, courtesy of The Gettysburg Address (Library of Congress Exhibition) website.
And, in conclusion, in 1928 Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse debuts in NY in "Steamboat Willie". So, happy birthday, Mickey Mouse!
November 17, 2003
Birthday Celebration
Saturday, November 15, I celebrated my birthday (the big one!) with many good
friends at Barrymore's in NYC. We sure made a day of it. We had
lunch, which stretched almost four hours (thank you to the patient staff at
Barrymore's). We then moved the party uptown to the Promenade Theatre to
see The Thing About Men, followed by a concert featuring Ron Bohmer at
the nearby Triad Theatre. Choosing that date, when Ron had his concert
planned, allowed us to see several people from out-of-state, including Deb,
Margaret, Michelle and Jen, who traveled all the way from California! I
was so busy, I didn't take many pictures. I'm definitely falling down on
the job in that department. I'm hoping my fellow party-goers will share
their memories with me. Here is one picture of some of the celebrants at
Jen, Deb, Liz, Margaret, Kelly, Susan, Diane
November 13, 2003
The Boy From Oz
How was it? Well, let me put it this way. I have no trouble spending money to watch Hugh Jackman on that stage for 2+ hours. None, whatsoever. Good thing because I must say that never before have I had so much fun at a bad show! It's not exactly well-written. It seems that they managed to cram every Peter Allen song they could into this show. It's a little bit of dialogue, then a song, and the songs don't always move the story along very well. That said, I think Mr. Jackman is amazing. He sounds like, dances like and moves like Peter Allen. He's great and the boy playing Allen as a child is equally as entertaining, an absolute delight to watch. In fact, with the exception of the actress playing Liza, all the performances are top-notch. The woman playing Judy Garland is just astounding. It was so spooky how well she played that part. I really wasn't impressed with the girl playing Liza. Didn't do it for me. Everyone else is terrific. So, even though I don't think much of the show (and it will tank the minute Hugh leaves), I had a great time. Of course, the Honigs and Kolbs always have a raucous old time, no matter what we see!
News flash. It's cold out and windy. Sigh. Oh, stop. I need to have something to whine about. The weather is a good choice.
November 11, 2003
Catching Up
might be happy but I'm not enjoying this chilly weather, especially after the
near-70 temperatures recently. I'm just not quite ready to give up the
warmth for the winter chill. Yeah, I know it's inevitable but I like to
hang on to some warmer temperatures for as long as I can.
Northport's junior varsity team ended their season Nov. 8 with a big win over Newfield, 32-0. That makes it a tie season, four wins and four losses. For the next week and a half, I only work an hour and 45 minutes a day in the high school. It's not much money but nice to have a little time to myself to get a few things done. Tomorrow night is my last ASL class.
Interpreting Amadeus went well, even though we only had two in our "audience" and Sue and I knew both of them! It is nice to have friendly faces greeting you but I certainly hope we have a bigger group for Sound of Music. We did fine and only had some difficulties where we switched off parts. Other than that, it was just fine. Sound of Music should bring in more people as it's familiar to most people.
recently finished reading Beyond the Battlefield, edited by David Madden.
It's about the lives of Civil War soldiers, what they ate and how they cooked,
what they did to entertain themselves, letters, etc. It's a really
interesting book, very good. Kelly laughed when she saw what I'm reading
now. Our Simple Gifts, Civil War Christmas Tales by Owen Parry.
It's a small book of short stories with Christmas/Civil War themes. The
stories are predictable but sweet and I'm enjoying the book.
Kelly, Kim and I are joining Jan, Eric and Lori this evening to see Boy From Oz. As always, we're looking forward to a jolly old time!
November 8, 2003
Half century....Oh my!
Well, thank you, Pooh and friends! Yes, folks, I've hit a milestone.
Bill and I celebrate our joint birthdays today. Also in today's news,
today is the last football game of the season. And...it's suddenly turned
cold! I'm off to bundle myself up and contemplate dinner as I stand on the
field, trying to stay warm! Well, at least it's sunny.
Have a lovely day, all.
November 6, 2003
Amadeus tonight!
I think I'm ready. I'm
excited and nervous at the same time. I'm nervous for two reasons, the
obvious being that I'm afraid I'll screw up! Otherwise, I'm afraid we
won't have much of a turnout. I tried to spread the word but it really was
kind of short notice.
This is part of my horoscope for today, "For sanity's sake, keep a journal or create art that reflects your inner conflict." Huh? What inner conflict? Well, here's the journal and I should be able to "create art" during the next couple of weeks because.....ahem......football ends this Saturday!!!! I have two weeks before wrestling begins. I do intend to work on some projects I haven't been able to do with very little free time and I want to get a jump on the Christmas preparations.
football practice! Pooh and I are ready for some time off!
Off to begin my day...
November 1, 2003
What a beautiful day today! I think it was near 70 degrees. Only one more week of football so if the weather holds out, it won't be so bad. There was a game today and Northport lost to North Babylon, 38-19. Their record now is 3 and 4. If they win their last game next weekend, they'll have a tie record, better than a losing record.
I have no idea what will be happening after football. There is a two week break before winter sports begin. This student usually wrestles in winter. After talking to the coach, I don't know if this will be approved. The schedule is quite a commitment, including practices through all the vacations (Christmas Eve morning!), practices after school (of course), matches after school that end around 9pm, tournaments on Saturdays which last the whole day (7am-10pm) and a three-day trip upstate. If it is approved, I won't see home much but I'll earn plenty of money. Another choice is bowling, which will be easier but I don't know if he'll want to do that. We'll see what happens. The real problem for me will be the fact that Kelly and I will be making costumes for the high school play, which we do every year. We've been looking forward to this one. Apparently, they'll be doing Once On This Island and it's a favorite of ours. We'd love to do costumes for it. If this all happens, January will be a blur. I plan to use the two week break to do as much as I can do to prepare for the holidays, including all the shopping, if possible. I know I can get most of the baking done plus the crafts I wanted to do and haven't had time to do.
Here's a little Civil War history for you courtesy of History Channel.com:
Lincoln's comment about McClellan was, "Give me a general who will fight!" That's your history lesson for the day!
**Incidentally, the Pooh graphic is from a site I found called Pooh's Corner. It has some very cute graphics and I wanted to give credit.