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Day Two: Spa and Golf Day
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Tuesday was an indulgence day. Dad went to the golf course for a video lesson with one of the golf pros there. They videotaped his swing and worked with him to correct his problems. He had also planned to play nine holes after that but since we'd done so much walking on Monday, he didn't want to walk so much on Tuesday.
Kelly and I had a really relaxing morning. We went to the spa/salon at the resort and had manicures, pedicures and facials. Wow. it was so nice. I'd never had a facial before and it was really relaxing. After that (from 9am until around noon!), we were so relaxed, we went back to the room and took a nap. Later, when Dad returned, we took a ride to Downtown Disney to just stroll and keep with the relaxation of the day.
Here's another display made from Legos. They have some really amazing
things built here but this one's new. There's Dad peeking out from behind
the Lego family.
Now, did they know I was coming or what? Not surprisingly, I didn't really
buy much here because, well, I have almost everything there! Well,
anything I would have bought, I already had. Sad, but true.
This is a really cool picture of Tinkerbell on top of the HUGE World of Disney
store at Downtown Disney. We didn't spent that much time in this store
either since Tuesday night was time for, you guessed it,
the Hoop-De-Doo Revue!
The only picture I have from this event is the one they took when we checked in at Fort Wilderness' Pioneer Hall. I didn't bring my camera. We had to drive to Fort Wilderness and take a bus to Pioneer Hall so I didn't want to carry it all that way. Also, Dad wasn't sure he wanted any photographic proof that he'd actually attended the Hoop De Doo Revue.
Nevertheless, here is the picture from the Hoop De Do Revue.
The photographer told Dad he should stand
between the two "princesses". That's a Disney thing, all the ladies are
We were led to our table in Pioneer Hall, towards the back of Pioneer Hall, thankfully, since this show involves some audience participation. Just before the show started, I took a chance and went to the ladies room. When I returned, the performers were onstage already and Kelly said, "you missed it". I missed what? Apparently, the performers arrived through the back of the room and as they went by our table, practically took my empty chair with them. Good thing I wasn't in the chair. Talk about interactive.
Anyway, the show? Well, let's just say the food was good. In fact, every time Dad looked at Kelly, registering her expression, he said, "At least the food is good." And it was good, fried chicken and ribs, corn and the best baked beans I think I've ever had, bread and pitchers of drinks. Ok, the show wasn't terrible, but it was the type of corny show you'd expect to see in a place like this. It was cute. One of the performers summed it up after one joke by saying, "Come on, folks, it doesn't get any better than this!" The funniest part was when they serve the food. The performers sing about your food being served and the wait staff literally plops these metal buckets of chicken and ribs on your metal plates, making a nice, loud clang! Since everything came from behind me, it was startling. The dessert made it's appearance on stage as they opened the curtain to show the wait staff carrying trays of strawberry shortcake. It was a fun way to spend the evening.
Before the show began, we went down to the little beach area in Fort Wilderness and watched the Magic Kingdom fireworks, which was really nice, sitting in the sand. A lovely night.
And on to Wednesday