honig family
theatre spot
February 2006
February 21, 2006
Birthday, WIPs, UFOs and stuff
Billy celebrated his 24th birthday this past
Friday. We did our usual dinner celebration with the family at Red
Lobster, Billy's favorite place, on Sunday afternoon. The lovely Lorelai
slept through the meal, letting her Mom have a nice dinner. I've gotten to
see the baby quite a bit this week since I'm on vacation.
I've been working on several things for
Lorelai. So far, I've made a quilt (Pooh fabrics, of course), a pink,
white and blue blanket (the same pattern as Kim's famous "blankie"), a lavender
knitted cardigan sweater and hat, a green crocheted sweater and hat, a pink
hooded sweater, crocheted baby socks (booties, whatever), and a romper I sewed
(lavender fabric). I think that's it so far! I'm working on two
sweaters at the moment, in knitting terms, WIPs. WIP is knitterese for
"works in progress". I'm also working on the green crocheted blanket that
matches the green sweater and hat. She had a few handmade blankets from me
and my cousin and some fleece blankets so I'm not rushing on that one.
It'll get done eventually. I wanted to concentrate on the sweaters since
she didn't have many of those. The sweaters I'm working on now are knitted
in the round, gansey-style. The smaller one, I think it's a six month
size, is the one I'm trying to get done now. She'll be able to wear it
soon, probably in the spring. I designed it using the KnitWare software,
which you can find at this site.
It's great. I beta-tested the newest program. You can design a
pattern for hand or machine knit or crochet. It's simple, accurate and
everything I've made with the program fits. You can use the custom sizes
or input your own. There are three programs and with them, you can make
practically anything, including hats! After I designed the basic program,
I found a knit/purl pattern to use to fancy it up a little. It's coming
out really nice:

I'm also working on another gansey, knitted
in the round. I'm following the pattern in the book,
Ganseys by Beth Brown-Reinsel. This is the Snakes and Ladders sweater.

The first sweater is dark green. This
one (above) is sea green, although it looks gray in the picture. It's
really a nice color.
Here are a couple of pictures of the crochet
baby socks:
Quick and easy and they actually fit.
I also have a couple of UFOs (unfinished
objects). I have two pairs of socks and a sweater started for myself.
I'll get to them when I finish these things, probably. The sweater is a
fisherman style. I'll dig that out and take a picture this week sometime.
I have one sock of one pair finished in a pattern I love. It's a Lion
brand pattern called
Joan's socks. They're quick and easy and so warm. I've made
myself at least four pairs of these already. The other pair of socks is
more delicate and time-consuming. That's not bad for me, really. I
usually have lots of projects I haven't finished hanging around. I've been
trying to make an effort to finish things recently. The fact that Lorelai
will outgrow something before I finish if I don't get on it makes me get moving
these days!
Off to do stuff that needs doing!


February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day
a tiggerific day!

February 12, 2006
Snow and things
It's really coming down out there. It
looks to be around 6 inches now and it's going to snow all day with possibly an
additional 6 inches. Wow. The timing couldn't have been better,
though. A weekend and we're all home, safe and sound.
Here's a copy of a post on
Wil Wheaton's blog.
Just doing my part to spread the word:
One of my fellow Los Angeles
Poker Bloggers,
StudioGlyphic (who won the WPBT Winter
Classic last December) is
looking for some help for one of his
friends, whose girlfriend is very sick with
cancer, and desperately needs a bone marrow
transplant to survive. The odds of finding a
donor match are about 1:20,000, but this
girl's odds are even longer because she is
Medically, the only option Christine has
left is a Bone Marrow Transplant. The
survival rate of this procedure is
30-40%. Of those who do survive the
procedure itself, only 50% survive the
next two years. However, if she does
survive those two years, it means the
cancer won't come back.
This is a pretty terrible option.
However, the non medical option is also
horrible. Her doctor says that if she
chooses not to have the Bone Marrow
Transplant, she'll be dead within a
This is
hard enough for the average person.
There are over 20,000 types of bone
marrow, so the average person has a 1 in
20,000 chance of finding a match. These
numbers are even worse for Christine.
Because she is Filipino, she needs to
find a donor of the same ethnic
background, and there are hardly any
Filipinos on the National Registry.
Because we caught the
cancer early, right now is our best
chance of having the Bone Marrow
Transplant work. Every day we lose her
chances of surviving drop.
So please, contact
your friends, and ask them to contact
their friends. Anyone you know who is
Filipino and between the ages of 18 and
61 is a potential donor. The system is
nationwide, so it doesn't matter where
they live. Signing up on the registry is
easy and painless. All it requires is a
simple blood test. Some hospitals charge
a small fee for this blood test, however
if your friends contact me directly, I
can put them in touch with one of the
hundreds of local organizations that
will do the blood test for free. They
can use this email address:
You can reassure your
friends that signing up for the registry
does not require donating any bone
marrow. If it turns out they are a
match, they will be contacted, and can
make the decision at that point about
becoming a donor.
There are lots of
misconceptions about donating bone
marrow. (I know I was terrified of doing
it before I learned how minor the
procedure actually is.) The procedure is
simple and safe. You will be
anesthetized the whole time, so you will
not feel anything. When the procedure is
over, you may have some soreness in the
area for a few days and you may feel a
little tired. That's it. The bone marrow
you donate is replenished within 3-4
weeks. And again, you will only undergo
this procedure if your blood sample
shows that you are a match and you
decide to donate, in which case the
slight soreness you'll be feeling will
be saving someone's life.
All medical expenses for the donor will
be covered by Christine's insurance. And
as I mentioned before, if they contact
me directly, I can put them in touch
with an organization near them that will
put them on the National Registry for
free and also make sure they are listed
as a Sponsor for Christine.
Even if you aren't a match
yourself, and even if you can't personally
help Christine, please link to this post,
and spread the word around. I know there are
about a million of you who read this lame
blog every month, and if just half of you
make some effort to spread the word around,
we may be able to help save Christine's

Have a pleasant day, stay warm and dry if
you're in the east.

February 8, 2006
Lorelai's first visit to Nana and
Grandpa's house
We kept her busy and took her out for a ride
in the afternoon. Poor baby was tuckered out!
Cold out there!

February 2, 2006
Groundhog day
Well, it's that time again. Time for
my annual rant about groundhog day. Who came up with this anyway?
For a little insight, here's an
article on MSN that answers some of my questions. According to this
article, the tradition started in England, with a holiday called Candlemas.
The animal in question was a hedgehog but when the Puritans came to this
country, they chose the closest animal they could find, the groundhog. It
appears the groundhog gets it wrong 63% of the time. Not a very good track
record, in my opinion.
Of course, this annual nonsense is a tourist
attraction ("one annual appearance in exchange for year-round maintenance and a
signing bonus"). Let's face it. How accurate can this be when the
press shows up before dawn with huge TV cameras and lights, someone pulls the
little groundhog from his burrow and holds him up? These guys in the
"inner circle" (Groundhog .org - the
Official Site of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club), apparently tell us if
Phil has seen his shadow or not. How could he not see his shadow?
He's surrounded by 400 lights and a whole crowd of people! If I were Phil,
I'd run for the hills or, at least back into the burrow, just to escape this
End of rant.
So, anyway, it looks like six more weeks of
winter, which is interesting because we've had so many warm days, there's an
argument for the fact that we haven't even had a winter! Ah, whatever.
Carry on, people.


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