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November 2007
November 24, 2007
Spinning, Lesson 2
It's not pretty, it's more thick than thin,
but here's my first attempt at spinning on the wheel after my second lesson this
afternoon. I'm already starting to see some progress. This lesson
was supposed to be just learning about the leader and getting the feel with
existing yarn but the instructor (Vinnie, I asked) said that he had a feeling
about me, that I was ready to use fiber. It's a lot to remember but it
wasn't as difficult as I anticipated. With practice, I think I'll catch
on. Second attempt:
It's hard to see but it does look better.
Trust me.
My fair isle gloves are coming along nicely.
Isn't this beautiful yarn? I'm in love with it. I finished the
second half of the chart faster than the first so that skill is becoming part of
the muscle memory. I'm working on the fingers now.
I have finally reached the feather and fan
border on this shawl. It's been a struggle. I recently found out
that I have the first printing of this book and there are numerous errors in the
patterns, including this one, which has a rather glaring error! See those
eyelet rows? In the pattern, there should be two different eyelet rows.
My book had only one and every time I knitted an eyelet row, my stitch count
would be off. I just kept adjusting the stitches on the garter stitch rows
so I'd have the correct number so that when I started the lace border, it would
work out properly. So far, so good. It will be fine. It just
shouldn't have taken so long to complete this one. Still, I'm glad it
wasn't me. I was getting so frustrated.
The weather has been so weird. It was 60 degrees on Thanksgiving and Friday night, it went down to 22 degrees. Now, it will be in the 50s again tomorrow. Wacky. Mother Nature should just make up her mind.
Good night!
November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving and reject Christmas card pic
Happy turkey day! Good times were had
by all with lots of good food and fun at the Honig/Mucciolo household.
Everything was delicious and Lorelai was as entertaining as usual.
Peeking through Mama's legs.
Yes, she's wearing a ballet outfit.
Kelly will be the mother bringing her child to school saying, "I did NOT choose
this outfit!"
Ready to dig in.
The Norman Rockwell shot.
Later in the evening, Lorelai decided to
complete her ensemble with her Halloween costume.
As is the recent custom, I try to get my Christmas card picture taken on Thanksgiving since I don't know when I'll have everyone together before the holiday. You'll have to wait for the good one but here's the reject, always fun.
What happens when you hit the timer button
and it only gives you a few seconds? Something like this. Lorelai's
more interested in the computer and all of us? Well, either not ready or
in shock, apparently. It's just priceless.
And now, we speed up charging headlong to Christmas. Ready or not!
November 17, 2007
I had my first spinning lesson today and although I haven't actually spun any yarn yet, I learned quite a bit. First, I wanted to be sure the wheel was assembled correctly and it's just fine. The instructor (a guy, imagine that!), whose name I'm embarrassed to say I can't remember, sure seems to know his stuff. This lesson centered around treadling and I can say that I feel more comfortable about it than I did before. I learned how the treadles should be situated before I begin, how I should stop and how to change directions. He encouraged me to treadle slowly, very slowly, because when I begin using fiber (third lesson), if I'm moving too quickly, it will just run away from me. Apparently, in the process of spinning, four activities are going on at the same time. If you practice these movements individually, by the time you put everything together, the movements will become second nature. Makes sense to me. During this week, I should practice the treadling so it will eventually feel comfortable. I'm psyched.
I'm working on the fair isle glove using the beautiful yarn (and the pattern from the book) Sandra sent to me. I've finished the design and I have a small border to complete before I work on the fingers. It still feels a little bit awkward in the way I'm holding the yarn but now and then I really get into a rhythm. It will get better with practice. It looks nice for a first attempt (pictures forthcoming, I forgot today).
I guess that's enough crafting, time to call it a day.
Pooh...all snuggly :-)
November 7, 2007
Workshop hat
Yesterday was Smithtown's superintendent's
conference day. I spent my day in two workshops, one in the morning and
the other after lunch. I decided to knit my way through them. I
figured I'd stay awake better that way. It worked out well; I think I was
more alert than I would have been otherwise. And as an extra added bonus,
I started and finished a hat for Lorelai. Pretty good deal.
November 4, 2007
And the fun just keep on coming
Welcome, folks, to the lovely month of
November. Not only is it my birthday month, but it's the time of year when
frost kills the nasty stuff that makes me sneeze all through the fall.
That is a good thing.
Let's see, where do I begin? It seems the fun just continues around here. I ask you? How much fun can we handle? I'm smiling through my exhaustion these days!
Last weekend, Kelly, Lorelai and I enjoyed the 10 year Scarlet Pimpernel reunion party at the Playwright Restaurant on 49th and 7th Ave. It was Lorelai's first Pimpernel event and she was the life of the party. It was so much fun to introduce her to everyone. It was a smaller group than we had all those years ago. As Stephen said, we're the "lifers". Pictures of the tables and attendees...
Kelly and Lorelai taking a break with a book.
Michelle took a group picture with the timer and when I have a copy of that, I'll post it. It was a pleasant day, probably more subdued than our past gatherings but maybe that's as it should be!
Next on the agenda was Halloween. Lorelai has been watching Nightmare Before Christmas for weeks now. It's her favorite movie. On Halloween, she came up to my door with Mom and Dad and said, "This is Halloween!" Yes, after watching it all this time, it finally was Halloween. She had so much fun. She kept walking around the streets saying, "Candy, candy!" Oh, boy. She still looked puzzled when we went up to houses and people gave her candy but she really enjoyed the whole day. Pictorial essay?
The pumpkin costume from last year still fit and since she loves to wear it
while watching her favorite movie, it was the choice for the holiday wear.
Last night was a monumental night in the life of Billy Honig. Not only did he see one of, if not THE, best Islander game he's ever witnessed on the ice (Al Arbour night, Islanders 3, Penguins 2) but his team, the Patriots, played a fantastic game against the opposing team (Wolverine?) after the Islander game....on Islander ice! Yes, they played their game immediately following the Islanders in the Coliseum. It was amazing. Not only did my hooligan son spend 4 minutes in the penalty box (and had a hand in the other team's only penalty since he was blatantly tripped), but he scored a goal! His fan club was just so obnoxious. Those of us in attendance, Bill, me, Kelly, Kim and Sean, cheered and screamed throughout the whole game and the roar when he scored? Well, let's just say, it sounded like more than five people. When we heard the ovation after the opposing team's first goal, we realized that fans of the Patriots were in the minority in the arena. Ooops. Not to be deterred, however, we continued to be obnoxiously loud and supportive. I like to think we had a hand in helping the team win. Well, considering the final score was 9-2, I would think their skill had something to do with it.
Seriously, though, it's been awhile since I've seen one of Billy's games and I have to say, he's good. He's really good. He's so fast. When he takes off down the ice, I'm absolutely amazed. I'm reminded of Bobby Bourne from early Islander days. He takes off and leaves everyone behind him. I know this is only the proud mother talking so it's hard to separate the pride from the truth. He's a joy to watch, though. Some pictures, you ask? At your service.
That's Billy on the left.
In the middle of the shot, skating right
across the Islander logo on the ice!
Bryan Trottier signing autographs. One
kid in the stands yelled, "Hey, Islander guy, I'm your biggest fan!"
In the penalty box, first of two.
First penalty.
Round two.
Billy's number 17, 33 seconds left to his
The winning team.
I don't think I have anything planned for next weekend and that will be a first for at least a month. Of course, the decorations are in the stores and the holiday music is urging us on, giving us that little bit of tension. Halloween is over, which means, the holidays are upon us! Here we go again.