Family Reunion Survey
Please help us keep our records up to date.

City___________________________     State_________     Postal code_______________
Country_____________________________    New address?      ___Yes         ___No
Phone_________________________     Email___________________________________
Family Members names and birthdates (use back if needed)
What would you like to see in a family reunion?
We are considering holding a family reunion, and would like to give you the opportunity for input.
Would you and your family attend a family reunion?     ___Yes       ___No    ___Don't know
How long should the reunion be?    ___ 1 afternoon    ___ weekend   ___long weekend
Location ideas____________________________________________________________
Best time of year__________________________________________________________
Food ideas_______________________________________________________________
Activity ideas_____________________________________________________________
Any additional ideas________________________________________________________
Do you have names and addresses of families we might be missing?
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
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