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Many of the recipes I have listed here were family favorites.  I learned these recipes from my mother and had to figure out the measurements.  Other recipes were found on the internet and whenever possible, I've tried to credit those websites and link back to them.  This recipe is a composite of recipes I found on the internet so I suppose this one is mine.  I found recipes and adapted them to make this taste like the appetizer I've had in restaurants.  This is as close as I can get it and we really like it.  I've made this for holidays.  It's a nice appetizer.

1 Italian bread, sliced thin

8 plum tomatoes, diced

1 cup chopped fresh basil

freshly ground black pepper

2 cloves garlic

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 teaspoons parmesan cheese

butter or margarine

McCormick garlic bread spread

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Combine tomato, basil, olive oil, garlic and cheese in a small mixing bowl.  Stir well.  Season with freshly ground black pepper.  Set aside.  Arrange bread on baking sheet.  Spread with butter and garlic bread sprinkle.  Place in oven and bake until well toasted, approximately 5 minutes.  Spoon tomato mixture generously onto each slice and serve.

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